Mozzeria to Open in Washington, D.C.

By CSD  |  August 31, 2020

It’s true, H Street in Washington D.C. is getting a new Mozzeria!

This will mark the second ASL-centric business on H Street in Washington, D.C., joining the Starbucks Signing Store that opened to great fanfare last fall. Mozzeria and other deaf-owned eateries have shown that putting deaf customers front and center can lead to success. Not only are these businesses thriving, but they are providing opportunities for deaf people to find employment.

Creating these kinds of opportunities is part of why CSD established our Social Venture Fund (CSD SVF) in 2017. The CSD SVF is the first-ever social impact fund and incubator for deaf-owned businesses in the United States, and intends to help address the 70% unemployment and underemployment rate among deaf Americans. Mozzeria was the first partner in this initiative, with the goal of reproducing the successful business model in other American cities. Since then, the CSD SVF has brought in four more partners, most recently National Deaf Therapy and Bus Door Films.

Construction of the Mozzeria location in D.C. is planned for the fall. Hiring will begin in early 2020, and then it will open in the spring of 2020. The location was selected with many favorable factors in mind, including the availability of many deaf people who are already experienced in the food service and hospitality industries.

Meanwhile, the search for the perfect Mozzeria location in Austin continues! As soon as the Mozzeria team finds the right space and has reached an agreement with all appropriate parties on the space, they will announce the location and the timing of that opening.

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